
Affisix started as a tool for automatic recognition of prefixes supporting only one method with user definable threshold. Nowadays it support recognition of suffixes as well and some additional methods were implemented. User interface was also rewritten, so more complex conditions for prefixes/suffixes are supported.

It basically takes large amount of words, computes several statistics and according to the user setting it tries to determine which segments of these words are prefixes.

User interface is console based and whole program was developed for Linux. Porting to any reasonable OS (Any OS with C++ compiler and getopt library (for example BSD)) should be possible but nobody tested it yet.


ITAT Conference 2010

September 28, 2010

Last Thursday Affisix was presented on ITAT 2010 Conference. There ois an article in Czech in proceedings (ISBN 978-80-970179-3-4) and I gave a talk about it. If you want to take a look, you can get the talk here but it is in Czech too. What I also did is that I published all sources to the talk and to the poster from TSD Conference in git, so you take a deeper look at it ;-) And I'm working on new features and code cleanup and other things as can be seen, but nothing really finished yet ;-)

TSD Conference 2008

September 10, 2008

Yesterday, Affisix was presented on TSD Conference. We had a poster presentation. If you have missed it, you can take a look at our poster. Article about Affisix for TSD Conference has been also published on SpringerLink. If you have access to it, you can download it and read it. So even if you have missed conference, some materials can be still obtained ;-)

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