File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
compute.cppImplementation of compute module
compute.h [code]Recognition itself
config.h [code]
db.cppImplementation of functions working with statistics database
db.h [code]This file contains main database structures
evaluator.cppThis module contains main logic behind expression evaluation
evaluator.h [code]This module contains only one definition of function
functions.cppImplementation of methods
functions.h [code]Module with methods definition
helper.cppImplementation of helper.h
helper.h [code]Just some helper functions and macros
main.cppMain file with main function
threads.cppAdds structures and functions needed to support threads
threads.h [code]Adds structures and functions needed to support threads

Generated on Sat Dec 20 11:32:18 2008 for Affisix by  doxygen